Monday, September 1, 2008

A Process Of On-Going Improvement (POOGI) - Part 27

We are continuing our series based on The Goal by Eliyahu M Goldratt and the Theory of Constraints.

The detailed buy-in process is:
1. Agree on the problem(s)
2. Agree on the direction of the solution
3. Agree that the solution solves the problem and brings the benefits
4. Agree on predicted negative side effects and prevent them
5. Agree on implementation obstacles and objectives to overcome them
6. Agree to implement the solution.

The step most often missed in the buy-in process is step one, agreeing on the problem.

Let’s use an example from a machine shop. See if you can apply the process. First, the background story:

This machine shop has sales of about $300,000 per month. Sales and the backlog have been declining slightly over the past three months, although a new large order of about $1 million is expected at any time.

This new order is on top of normal orders, so it represents growth. Morale of the workforce has been low recently, following the end of a quarter when no profit incentive was paid out and a new no-overtime policy was announced. Pay rates for the most skilled workers have been frozen for some time.

Supervisors in the plant are trying to implement a change in the work process to cope with the increased sales without adding additional people and have been getting resistance. In fact, productivity has decreased.

What is the problem? be continued.

Here's to maximizing YOUR profits!

Dr Lisa Lang
(c)Copyright 2008, Dr Lisa, Inc. All rights reserved.

NEXT Group Mafia Offer Boot Camp: September 24, 25, 26 2008 in Denver. More information at There are also PRIVATE and On-line Mafia Offer Boot Camps. The July boot camp SOLD OUT and there is no group boot camp in August. Don't miss September!

Are you a Vistage/TEC member who would like your team to hear my speech? Here it is: NEXT Maximizing Profitability Event (no charge): September 23, 2008 in Denver from 1:00 to 5:00 pm at the Science of Business Training Center. More information at You can register by fax or on-line.

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